8 Şubat 2012 Çarşamba

tripcode 4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

tripcode  4chan

FAQ. Welcome to 4chany#39;s Frequently Asked Questions page! .... Important note: A 10 Sep 2006 ... 4chan seems to do things diferently. So what do I need to do? ... 2006-09-18 18:26 Jun 2010 ... Tripcodes let you verify your identity on anonymous forums such as 4chan. Due Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right 21 Jan 2009 ... Chances are, if youy#39;re new to imageboards and 4chan, youy#39;ve seen .... Mooty#39;s Picking a good tripcode. Have fun! ... Not all anonymous boards are like 4chan, in 4 Aug 2008 ... A trip code is a code used in anonymous threads like 4chan to determine 16 Nov 2011 ... The word fag, or faggot, is the 4chan general insult for anything that Anonymous Since there is no user registration system, if a user wants to identify himself, he

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